------------ NAME AND CONTACT ------------ Tamás Imets https://imetstamas.com/contact/ imetstamas@gmail.com ------------ EXPERIENCE AND PROJECTS ------------ I acquired most of my knowledge and skills outside of institutional education, which is probably due to my curious nature. I started working in the field of artificial intelligence and autonomous flying robots at the age of 16 and have been actively developing my ideas ever since. - Brainwave-controlled wheelchair robot and videogame (1st prize at the 25th Youth Scientific and Innovational Contest) - Intelligent human and face recognizing autonomous drones that can find injured people autonomously in rural areas. (Award winning project in Taiwan) - Hand gesture-based home automation and smart home systems (SciChallange Winner - Vienna) - Brain activity-controlled obstacle avoiding drones. - Created a backtest environment in Python (using Pandas, NumPy and Plotly) with an interactive dashboard that allows to test and analyze algorithmic trading strategies with multiple instruments. - Created a learning assist tool in 12th grade high school to help me with my studies, wasn't that good at that time but it became the origin story of Quino (our edtech AI startup) - Founded Minyma Technologies at the age of 22 with my friends - Founded Quino at the age of 24 with the same team (raised a pre-seed round of >800k as a B2C edtech company in the CEE) ------------ WORK EXPERIENCE AND FREELANCER PROJECTS ------------ My earlier work experience comes from freelancer projects which I did mostly for Hungarian and American clients. Most of these projects are related to embedded systems programming and computer vision. In 2021 I started a tech company and grew our team's size to 26 at one point. Right now I have two companies, Quino and Minyma Technologies. First one being a startup we focus a lot on product development. The second one is our software service company where we solve deep tech related problems for our clients. - Netlfife Robotics - 2021 - Machine Learning Engineer - Minyma Technologies - 2021-2023 - Co-founder, CEO, Quantitative Modeling, Product Development, and Leader of The Team, Sales - Quino - 2023-Ongoing - Co-founder, CEO, Product Owner, Team Lead (raised a pre-seed round of $840k) ------------ SKILLS ------------ Programming - Python, C++, C, C#, Java, SQL, Arduino Software and Libraries - Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, SciKit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras, Git, Backtrader, Plotly, SQLAlchemy, Flask, FastAPI Technical - Data cleaning, Statistical data analysis, Machine learning, Data Visualization, AI Model Creation Soft Skills - More that 4 years of experience as a team lead, managing finances, HR and overall operations ------------ WHAT DO I LIKE TO DO THE MOST? ------------ To be honest the best part of my work is probably early prototyping where you can explore a problem in really creative ways. This is the most joyful part of my work, combining design, computer science, and a motivated team to tackle these challenges. ------------ EDUCATION ------------ HIGH SCHOOL OF ARTS “NAGY ISTVÁN” ARCHITECTURE - 2014-2016 “MÁRTON ÁRON” HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS - 2016-2018 BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF ECOOMICS AND TECHNOLOGY (BME) COMPUTER ENGINEERING BSC – 2018 - 2022 ------------ AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS ------------ 25th Youth Scientific and Innovational Contest (1st prize, Hungary) – 2016 TEDx Speaker (Romania) – 2016 XXII. OTTDK (1st prize drone development, Hungary) – 2017 Brussels Regional Expo (drone demonstration, Belgium) – 2017 Taiwan International Science Fair (4th award, Taiwan) – 2018 “Szeklers on Earth” Data Visualization Contest (Best looking visualization) – 2018 BME Artificial Intelligence Competition (3rd prize, Hungary) – 2019 Three Times “Young Talents Scholarship” Winner (Hungary) ------------ LANGUAGES ------------ English, Hungarian, Romanian, German, Korean (only reading & writing), Very-very little Chinese